Parish Groups
Our Parishioners are a dedicated and truly amazing group of faithful Anglicans. They work quietly and it would appear tirelessly to do the work of the Church. Each and every group and individual, deserve more than our applause and gratitude for their continued selfless devotion to Christs’ service.
Here are some of the regular happenings at St. John’s:
Altar Guild – Christ’s Altar is immaculately prepared for Holy Eucharist each Sunday, by the devoted women of the Altar Guild. The Church was always beautifully adorned denoting each special season.
Funeral Lunch Catering Group – The Funeral Group works together to support families and individuals in time of need through their ministry of hospitality.
H.A.L.O. Group – This group at our church was born out of a need for some of our seniors and shut-ins who need rides to medical appointments, run errands, etc. The HALOs will pick up and deliver folks to appointments, take them for groceries…. etc. Beyond that, the HALOs tend to spearhead a number of our FUNraising activities.
Tai Chi – We meet most Tuesday mornings at 10 am. This is a wonderful way to care for both our bodies and our souls. (There is a nominal fee to cover the cost of our instructor.)